Friday, May 25, 2007

A New Business Database

This is a combination of 3 business databases. The first contains hard-to-find local and regional business news coverage of large corporations, privately held companies, local start-ups, executive profiles, marketing, finance, and industry news. Provides access to business information not typically found in national news sources. Contains news and analysis, information on local markets, and more gathered from major business tabloids, magazines, daily newspapers, wire services, and city, state, and regional business publications. The second database allows searching of nearly 1800 worldwide business periodicals for in-depth coverage of business and economic conditions, management techniques, theory, and practice of business, advertising, marketing, economics, human resources, finance, taxation, computers, and more. Expanded international coverage. Fast access to information on 60,000 + companies with business and executive profiles. Also includes The Wall Street Journal. And the third database allows searching of more than 750 business periodicals and newsletters with a trade or industry focus. Provides users with the latest industry news, product and competitive information, marketing trends, and a wide variety of other topics. Contains publications on every major industry, including finance, insurance, transportation, construction, and many more.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Archive of Research in Archetypal Symbolism

CIIS library is delighted to launch the Archive of Research in Archetypal Symbolism. ARAS is an encyclopedic collection of academic theory and alchemical images that affords boundless and spontaneous interpretative possibilities. Drawing on art, artifacts, and ritual images of East-West traditions, ARAS is a gateway to endless archetypical patterns, symbols, and themes that stretch across centuries, cultures, and civilizations.

This unique archive includes 17,000 photographic images that are cross-indexed to 20,000 research pages and close to 50,000 search word or keyword options. The archetypal / archaeological timeline is from 50,000 BCE to 2,000 CE. Collected over the past 60 years, ARAS has now transformed into a world-reach electronic format that affords an unprecedented search experience. Selected subjects of special interest for the CIIS community include: psychology, anthropology, archaeology, expressive arts, drama therapy, somatics, archaeomythology, mythology, theology, thealogy, spirituality, religion, philosophy, ecology, and cosmology plus numerous other fields of interest.

Study sheets include detailed cultural information, archetypal commentary, extensive bibliographies plus glossaries that accompany each image. In addition to the wealth of visuals and descriptive information, each image also includes numerous links to further related symbols, artifacts, and commentary that amplifies inter-related rites, rituals, and patterns. “This may well lead to vast if not universal syncretistic possibilities.”

To get a flavor of these syncretistic possibilities, suggest going to the DISCOVER option under search. Here, randomly-chosen yet thematic images float across the screen that can be changed and redirected at the click of the mouse.

Slides can be ordered at $5.00 per slide plus $5.00 for shipping and handling. These images are for the sole purpose of research and education.